COVID-19 – Epidemiology

Well, that escalated quickly. It's official...the novel coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 is here. This article is to serve as an ongoing summary of pertinent literature with respect to the COVID-19 causing pandemic. As an Emergency Physician, I am sincerely impressed with…

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Coronavirus (COVID-19)

High yield things you need to know... Coronaviruses (what are they?) Most coronaviruses cause mild to moderate upper-respiratory symptoms. In fact, overall, they cause up to 30% of common colds. However, some have been historically identified to cause more…

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Is Bacterial Vaginosis an STD?

First...let's set the stage... Bacterial vaginosis (BV) is characterized by a shift in vaginal flora away from Lactobacillus species toward a more diverse bacterial spectrum such as Gardenella vaginalis, Mobiluncus curtisii, M. mulieris, other anaerobic bacteria and/or Mycoplasma hominis.1 This shift in…

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Lyme disease: A Clinical Summary

It’s that time of year again. As the Lyme endemic regions of the United States shake off the winter, people start to wander outside and into the Emergency Department with tick bites. This summary is meant to serve as…

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